Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Minutes: March 16th Meeting

1. Law Day Update
a. Essay Contest for area high school youth. " What Justice Means to Me." Extended Deadline April 23.
b. After meeting -awards committee to meet with Sue Alcorn and vote for the following awards to be given at Law Day:
* Liberty Bell Award
* Community Service Award
2. Internet Access/ Technology update
3. Guest Speaker: Judy Newbold of Legal Services of Southern Piedmont
4. Special alert: There have been 4 reported breaking and enterings of local law offices this month. Please make sure to protect your offices - install security systems and computer backups.
5. Monthly Meeting sponsored by INVESTORS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. All lunch attendees received 2007 Desk Calendars from Investors Title. A few extra calendars remained from the meeting and have been placed in the Lawyers Lounge. Again, we appreciate all the support from Investors!

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